Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Cabinet, Tuesday, 27th June, 2017 4.30 pm (Item 12.)

Private Appendix 2 attached separately



The Cabinet received an update on the detailed feasibility study to re-provide a combined community and leisure facility in Amersham. Agreement was also sought to enter into a land swap with Amersham Town Council to enable the proposed development and to proceed to the detailed design stage of the project.


The report was considered by the Services Overview Committee meeting on 14 June and Members supported the way forward and agreed to recommend that the recommendations be agreed by the Cabinet.


The Deputy Leader referred to the huge support from the Community received during the initial proposals and advised that he was particularly interested to receive the feedback from the public regarding the revised proposals which addressed concerns raised during initial consultation. It was acknowledged that this was a large project however it would provide an excellent service to the community and would also generate additional income for the Council. There had been significant involvement from Members already. The figures in the final business case would be scrutinised further, before being considered by Members, to ensure that income assumptions were accurate and robust.


At the invitation of the Leader Councillor P Jones advised that although he fully supported the project he also emphasised the importance of reviewing any additional proposals that increased costs to ensure that these could be recovered from future income. It was suggested that the Council avoids duplication of services available elsewhere.


Following the discussion, the Cabinet then




1.         That the findings of the feasibility study to re-provide a combined community and leisure facility in Amersham be noted, and to progress the project to the next decision point, this is the Stage 2 refinement of brief.


2.         That the current facility mix identified in the feasibility plan and detailed in Appendix 1 be noted.


3.         That it be agreed:


(a) To place the necessary statutory advertisements and undertake public consultation together with Amersham Town Council in relation to the proposed disposal and acquisition of land as detailed in appendix 2 to support the redevelopment of the facility.


(b) To delegate:


(i)                consideration of any duly made objections during the advertisement period;

(ii)             the decision whether to acquire and dispose of the land referred to above and the detailed terms thereof to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Head of Legal and Democratic Services and the Leader of the Council.


4.         That authority be delegated to the Director of Services to:


(a)    agree heads of terms with current lease holders to secure the surrender of their leases to enable the Council to take possession of the Community Centre, Youth Club, and Library buildings as part of the redevelopment; and,


(b)   agree the terms of new leases to commence when the new facility is available for occupation.


5.         To delegate the decision to the Director of Services to agree final transitional arrangements with the Community Centre, and Buckinghamshire County Council as necessary to allow the development to proceed.


6.         To delegate authority to the Director of Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Support Services, the selection, through an appropriate Framework, of


(a)     a Project Manager and Quantity Surveyor to manage the project through the key decision points to develop a replacement facility; and


(b)     the architectural and professional services required by the project design team.


7.         That authority be delegated to the Director of Services, in consultation with the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, to undertake a procurement process to select the lead construction company for the project, subject to final agreement by Cabinet.


8.         That the Head of Healthy Communities, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Support Services, be authorised to draw down up to £1,500,000 of funding to enable the project to progress to the next key decision stage which is the Stage 2 Refinement of the design prior to Cabinet approval to proceed to the full design brief to the point of planning application. The first £1,000,000 to be taken from the earmarked leisure fund.


9.         That authority be delegated to the Director of Services to appoint an Internal Project Manager to support the delivery of the next stage of the project, to be funded from the earmarked leisure fund.

Supporting documents: